the biggest lesson i learned in the past 12 months

three women laughing together in the sunlight

Every time I expected someone or something else to make me happy, it turned out to be a big disappointment.

That might sound kinda sad at first, but let me explain…

A year ago, I thought having X would make me happy. I always needed more - more money, more friends, more “success” (whatever that means…), more EVERYTHING. Then whenever I did eventually get X, it still wasn’t enough! I would say, “well that’s what was supposed to happen…”, and my happiness was very short-lived. I just moved on to the next X.

One of my biggest struggles has been overcoming the belief that I had to be making six figures in my first year of business to be happy - to feel amazing and just set for life. Looking back, I realize that by believing this, I put SO much pressure on myself when I was just starting out.

I kept telling myself that I wasn’t allowed to be happy unless I was making a certain amount of money… that I didn’t deserve to be happy in life without reaching this goal.

This was a huge obstacle (aka limiting belief) of mine. The goal was unrealistic and it made no sense. Six figures right off the bat, just starting out? Puh-lease. I was expecting a six-figure income to pop out of the air right after graduation when I hadn’t even given myself a solid chance to actually learn the specific skills I needed and apply them. I just expected to reach the goal and let that deem how happy I was going to be.

Instead of motivating me, this goal actually held me back. I didn’t allow myself to let go of the pressure and instead hustled my way through work, even though I strongly dislike hustle culture and the whole “no sleep, only work” bullsh*t.

I quickly learned, after getting burned out, that I constantly gave up control of my happiness. I let other things (and other people!) deem how happy I would be in life.

So… overall, never put your happiness in the control of anything or anyone other than yourself.

You are the leader of your own life. You are living for yourself, not for others. You are in the DRIVER’S SEAT.

This also means…. every decision that you have made has gotten you to this point. (you might want to read that again…).

If you want to grow…

If you want to achieve your biggest dreams…

If you know you are meant for MORE in this life…

Trust that. Believe in that.

And here’s a brutal truth even, if you dare to read it:

If you are not where you want to be in life and you want change to happen, either STEP UP or shut up.

There, I said it.

If you want change, if you want better, more beautiful, glorious, A M A Z I N G, change to happen… do the work.

You are responsible for your own life. Do not expect anyone or anything to make you happy. Be the leader of your own happiness and therefore your life. Do not give up your power of control.




whatever goal you have… you can’t do it alone.


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