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FFE Season 2 is Coming:

Summer 2023!

A podcast for ambitious females to hear stories from online entrepreneurs, so they can feel confident in pursuing a career that gives them both financial freedom and fulfillment.

I understand how it feels to be like you're the only person interested in running an online business, and frustrated at the lack of clarity for how to run one.

I created the podcast so that other women can go from feeling confused or doubtful to gaining the skills and confidence needed to realize their own potential for financial and mental freedom.

I believe every woman deserves mentors who can teach her how to make a living for herself and create a life filled with the freedom and joy she deserves without having to slave away in a job they hate. This podcast is the first step in that journey!

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Kick self-doubt to the curb and say hello to confidence, clarity, and fresh business ideas.

Entrepreneur Directory

Click below to find more information about the amazing entrepreneurs who have been on the show